Gumib Nedir

What is Gumib?

*** This document was prepared by the ISIMDER Brand Name Center Presidency after conducting the necessary research and inspecting the institutions, organizations and brand owners according to the determined criteria, at the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (2022/132531) number; According to the warranty mark specification approved by EUIPO / WIPO with the number 018928594; Additionally, ISIMDER provides its services in accordance with Article 16 of its founding charter and ISO 9001/27001 quality management standards.

  • TRUST is a very important element in commercial activities.
  • This Trust is formed through long-term promotional activities, strong references and experience.
  • As Brand Name Center ISIMDER PRESIDENCY, we offer a "Trusted Brand Name Certificate" (GUMIB-TOBNC) for your brand names if you meet the necessary criteria and conditions.
  • Brands with a reliable Brand Name Certificate reference will be one step ahead of their competitors.
  • The target audience will TRUST brand names more.
  • Customer potential of brands will increase.

In order to increase your profitability, be one step ahead of your competitors and BRAND WITH CONFIDENCE; Get (GUMIB-TOBNC) “RELIABLE BRAND NAME CERTIFICATE”..