
GUMİB-TOBNC Cezayir Temsilciliğimiz için Dr Ahmet MOURED ile Anlaşma Sağladık

We reached an agreement with Dr Ahmed MOURED for our GUMIB-TO BNC Algeria Representation

Algerian Businessman Dr. We came together with Ahmet Moured at our ISIMDER Brand Name Center Istanbul office and talked about our projects and what we can do to work together.

After the meeting, Dr. We made a common decision to have Ahmet Moured be the Algeria representative of the Trusted Brand Name Certificate (GUMIB-TOBNC) and completed our meeting by signing the contract.

Dear Dr. We would like to express our endless gratitude to Ahmet Moured and hope that he will explain the necessity of the Trusted Brand Name Certificate to business people in Algeria and that he will be successful in his business life.