
GUMİB-TOBNC ISO 27001 Bilgi Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi Sertifikası Aldı

GUMIB-TOBNC Received ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certificate

As ISIMDER Brand Name Center, we have strengthened our trust and reputation by obtaining our ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certificate in our Trusted Brand Name (GUMIB-TOBNC) Certificate in order to establish our customer trust on solid foundations and to convey that the documents we provide are supported by reliable sources.
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System protects the reputation of your business and your company reputation. It adds value to your business by giving confidence to your customers and all your stakeholders.
As ISIMDER Brand Name Center, it has obtained the Trusted Brand Name (GUMIB-TOBNC) Certificate.
We provide services within the criteria of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.